Saturday, June 6, 2009

Advice to the Seekers by Shaykh al-Ya'qoubi

Ash-Shaykh as-Sayyid Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-Ya`qoubi al-Hasani al-Idrisi is a well-known scholar from Syria.  Shaykh Muhammad descends from a scholarly family whose lineage goes back to the Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu 'alayhi sallam, through his grandson Sayyiduna al-Hasan, radiya Allahu 'anhu. 
Shaykh Muhammad al-Ya’qoubi’s ancestors also include some of the most renowned scholars of Syria: Shaykh Sharif al-Ya’qoubi (d. 1943/1362 AH) was his father’s uncle, and Shaykh Muhammad ‘Arabi al-Ya’qoubi (d. 1965/1384 AH) was his father’s maternal uncle; both were the Malikite Imams of the Omayyad mosque. Shaykh Siddiq al-Ya’qoubi (d. 1889/1307 AH) was his paternal great-grandfather, and Shaykh Isma’il al-Ya’qoubi (d. 1960/1380 AH), a great Wali known for his miracles, was his own grandfather. His father, Shaykh Ibrahim al-Ya’qoubi (d. 1985/1406 AH), has been proclaimed one of the greatest scholars Syria has seen in the past 50 years; he was also the Imam and teacher of the Grand Ummayad Mosque. Amongst the scholars who gave him ijaza were the Malikite Mufti of Syria Sayyid Makki al-Kittani, the Hanafite Mufti Muhammad Abul-Yusr 'Abideen, Muhammad Salih al-Khateeb, Shaykh 'Ali al-Boudaylimi, Zayn al-'Abideen at-Tounisi, Shaykh 'Abdul'Aziz 'Uyun as-Soud, and Shaykh Muhammad Wafa al-Qassaab.  The following is a lecture by the Shaykh titled, "Advice to the Seekers":

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