Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Inner Dimensions of Fasting: Imam Ghazali (ra)

The following is an excerpt on the inner dimensions of fasting by one of the greatest scholars of Islam, Imam Ghazali (ra):

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Fiqh of Taraweeh

The following is a translated excerpt from the book Haashiyah 'ala Rawdh al Murbi' Sharh Zaad al-Mustaqni by ibn Qasim al-Hanbali regarding the fiqh of taraweeh:
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Collection of Articles Concerning Ramadan

The following is a collection of great articles and tidbits dealing with Ramadan:
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hikayat-us-Sahaba - Stories of the Sahaba

Shaykh al-hadeeth Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi (rahimahullah) is a figure that needs no introduction. He was one of the great scholars of Islam within the past century and has been a source of great knowledge, wisdom, and guidance for this ummah. He's a scholar of the highest calibre, specializing in the Hadith sciences.

The following is a book he authored on the lives of the Sahaba [Companions of the Prophet (saw)]:
Hikayat-e-Sahaba - Stories of the Sahaba

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Traditional Scholarship and Modern Misunderstandings

In this modern day of Islam, many ways of thinking and understanding have emerged. However, as Muslims it is imperative to stick to traditional 'ulema and their way of understanding, which is often referred to as Ahlus sunnah wa'l Jama'ah.

The following is a booklet on prevalent misunderstandings nowadays in the ummah on certain issues:
Traditional Scholarship and Modern Misunderstandings

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Characteristics to be Avoided: Love of the World

A. Love of the World in a blameworthy sense is to love it to such an extent that it moves from being a means to Paradise and becomes an end, the obsession with which leads to Hell.

A.1. Three Types of Praise for Allah

1. Verbal praise is that of the tongue and involves expressing appreciation for His blessings.

2. Physical praise is undertaking bodily actions for the sake of Allah.[Hamd, Praise is offered out of recognition for the beauty and majesty of the praised, Shukr is offered in response to a blessing]

3. Praise of the state (Haal) is endeavoring to adorn the spirit and the soul with the attributes and names of Allah to the extent humanly possible.

A.3. Zuhd is a willingness to leave the comfort of the world in exchange for the comfort of the hereafter.
Nadra al-Na’im

Zuhd is an expression meaning to turn away from the desire for something to the desire for another thing better than it.
بل تؤثرون الحياة الدنيا و الجنة خير و أبقى
Imam al-Ghazali

Zuhd is the journey of the heart from the homeland of the world to settle into one of the homes of the hereafter.
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Madarij

A.4. Four Types of Zuhd

1. Zuhd in forbidden things. This is a binding obligation.

2. Zuhd in doubtful matters. [To leave them fearing they will lead to forbidden things.]

3. Zuhd in excessive indulgence in lawful things.

4. Zuhd in anything other than that awaiting us with Allah, or Zuhd in anything that distracts the heart from the remembrance of Allah. The best form of Zuhd is hiding your Zuhd, and the most difficult type is giving up what your ego demands [of the world]. حظ النفس

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, al-Fawa’id

A.5. Texts from the Qur’an and the Sunnah Concerning Zuhd

These will be given their reward twice over, owing to their patience, they repulse evil with good, and they spend from what we have bestowed upon them. When they hear vain talk they turn away from it, saying, “We have our work and you have your work; peace upon you, we do not desire [involvement] with the ignorant.”
Qur’an 28:54-55

He came out before his people decked out in his finery. Those desirous of the life of the world said, “If only we had the likes of what Qarun has been given. Verily, he is blessed with a great portion!” Those who had been given knowledge decried, “What is wrong with you, the reward waiting with Allah is best for those who believe and do righteous deeds.” This [station] is only attained by the patient.
Qur’an 28:79-80

Whosoever desires the reward of the hereafter, we will increase his reward for him. And whosoever desires the reward of the world, we will give it to him and he will have no portion of hereafter.
من كان يريد حرث الآخرة نزد له في حرثه و من كان يريد حرث الدنيا نؤته منها و ما له في الآخرة من خلاق
Qur’an 42:20

The Prophet, peace upon him, mentioned, “I used to forbid you from visiting the graves, now you should visit them. They detach you from the world (tuzahhidukum) and they remind you of the hereafter.”
Ibn Majah, #1571

A man came to the Prophet, peace upon him, and said, “Direct me to an action, which were I to do it, both Allah and the people will love me.” He, peace upon him, said, “Detach your heart from the world, Allah will love you, and detach your heart from the people’s possession and they will love you.”
Ibn Majah, #4106

A.6. Sayings of the Scholars in Zuhd

Congratulations to those who turn away from the world and are desirous of the hereafter. They are people who have taken the earth of Allah as a carpet, its dirt as a bed, its water as perfume, the Scripture as a cloak, and prayer as a blanket. They then totally renounced the world.
Imam Ali, al-Bayhaqi, Shu’ab

The world is a home for one who has no home, and wealth for one who has no wealth, it is collected by one who has no knowledge.
Ibn Mas’ud, al-Bayhaqi, Shu’ab

How great is the distance between your guidance and the guidance of your Prophet, peace upon him. As for him, he was the most detached of all people from the world; as for yourselves, you are the most covetous for it. Amr bin al-As, al-Bayhaqi, Shu’ab

- Imam Zaid

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Prevention of Heart Diseases- Islamic Approach

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri is a leading scholar of classical islamic sciences from Pakistan. He has studied from notable shuyookh from all over of the world and most of his students who have received 'ijaza from him are also now scholars in their own right, including Shaykh Habib 'Ali al-Jifri from Yemen, Ash-Shaykh Abul Khayr ash-Shukri from Syria(imam of Syria's grand Ummayad mosque), Mufti al-Azam Shaykh `Abdur Razzaq as-Sa’di from Iraq (head mufti of Baghdad), Shaykh Yousuf bin Younus Ahmad Abdur Raheem from Egypt's Jamia Al-Azhar, and Shaykh Abdul Hakim Murad from Oxford.

The following is a book by Shaykh Tahir on Prevention of Heart Diseases:
Prevention of Heart Diseases - Prof Dr. Muhammed Tahir ul Qadri

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Characteristics to be Avoided: Iniquity (Baghi)

A. Iniquity (al-Baghi) is to desire exaltation without right.

Iniquity is seeking to exceed the limits demarcating moderation in what is sought.

A.2. Texts from the Qur’an and the Sunnah Concerning Iniquity

Wicked is what they have sold their souls for, disbelieving in what Allah has revealed, because of their iniquity that Allah would send revelation, from His bounty, unto whomsoever He wills of His servants…
Qur’an 2:90

The religion with Allah is faith and obedience (Islam). The people given the scripture did not differ except after knowledge came to them seeking worldly advantage (baghyan) between themselves. Whoever rejects the signs of Allah, Allah is swift in reckoning.
Qur’an 3:19

Say! Rather, my Lord has forbidden indecencies, both manifest and hidden, sin, iniquity, that you join as partners with Allah wherein He has revealed no authority, and that you speak against Allah wherein you have no knowledge.
Qur’an 7:33

O You people! Surely, your iniquity is but against yourselves.
Qur’an 10:23

The Prophet, peace upon him, was asked, “O Messenger of Allah! Which people are best?” He responded, “Every one [possessing] a Makhmum heart, a truthful tongue.” They said, “We know of the truthful tongue. What is the Makhmum heart?” He said, “It is god-conscious, pure, contains no sin, harbors no iniquity, nor rancor, or envy.”
Ibn Majah, #4216

The Prophet, peace upon him, said, “There is no sin whose perpetrator is more deserving to have the punishment hastened for him than iniquity and breaking blood ties.”
Tirmidhi, #2511

The Prophet, peace upon him, mentioned, “The worst form of usury is iniquity against the honor of a Muslim.”
Abu Dawud, 4876

A.3. Sayings of the Scholars Concerning Iniquity (Baghi)

If one mountain were to commit iniquity again another, Allah would crush the transgressor.
Ibn ‘Abbas, Dhamm al-Baghi

Sa’id bin Jubayr said concerning the verse, They neither desire exaltation in the earth nor corruption therein… (Qur’an 28:73) “That is to say iniquity (Baghi).”
Sa’id bin Jubayr,
Dhamm al-Baghi

O My sons! You should know that the quickest sin to be punished is iniquity. The vilest ally is aggression. The worst character trait is stinginess. And the most wicked etiquette is excessive condemnation.
Safiyy bin Rabah al-Tamimi

- Imam Zaid Shakir

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Characteristics to be Avoided: Hatred (Bughd)

A. Hatred (al-Bughd) is the inclination of the soul to flee away from things it finds repulsive.
Raghib al-Asfahani,

Unsanctioned hatred occurs when the repulsiveness the soul finds is unjustified and leads to forbidden actions against the object of ones hatred.

A.1. Negative Consequences of Unsanctioned Hatred

1. Hatred of others incurs the wrath and hatred of Allah. Kama tadeenu tudaan (As you behave you will be treated)
2. Hatred blinds the heart and extinguishes the light resulting from sincere worship.
3. One who hates people cannot bear to live among them and he will turn in on himself and live in isolation or in an alienated state.
4. Such a person will become a cause for tearing apart the social fabric.
5. Hatred is an indication of a vile and base soul.
Mentioned in
Nadra al-Na’im

A.2. Texts from the Qur’an and the Sunnah Concerning Hatred

O Believers! Take not as your intimate advisors those outside of your ranks who will spare nothing to bring about your ruin. They desire that you fall into grave hardship. Hatred has issued from their mouths, and what they conceal is even worse. We have made the signs clear to you if you would only reflect.
Qur’an 3:118

Rather, Satan desires to place enmity and hatred between you with wine and gambling, and to turn you away from the remembrance of Allah and away from Prayer. Will you not then cease?

Qur’an 5:91

You have an excellent example in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people, “We are free of you and of what you worship other than Allah. We have rejected you and there has appeared between us and you enmity and hatred forever, unless you return to the path of Allah…

Qur’an 60:4

The Prophet, peace upon him, mentioned, “Do not hate one another. Do not envy one another. Do not turn your backs to each other. Be servants of Allah, brothers. It is not permissible for a Muslim to boycott his for more than three days.”
Bukhari, #6065

The Prophet, peace upon him said, “A sign of the hypocrite is hatred of the Ansar, and a sign of the believer is love of the Ansar.”
Muslim, #74

The Prophet, peace upon him, said, “The disease of the nations will creep up on you –jealousy and hatred. It is a razor. I am not saying that it cuts hair, rather it cuts down religion. I swear by the one who holds my life in His hand, you will not enter Paradise until you believe. You will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not alert you to something that will affirm this for you? Spread the peace among yourselves.”
Tirmidhi, #2510

The Prophet, peace upon him warned, “My community will be afflicted by the disease of the nations.” They asked, “O Messenger of Allah! What is the disease of the nations?” He said, “Excessive merriment, rampant consumerism, conspiring against one another, hatred, and jealousy until there is open sedition.”
Hakim, 4:168

A.3. Sayings of the Scholars Concerning Hatred

Don’t be totally obsessed with your beloved for one day you may have to hate him/her; and don’t be totally repulsed by the object of your hatred for one day you may have to love him/her.
Abu Hurayra, Tirmidhi, #1996

Don’t convey falsehood to knowledgeable people lest they hate you. Don’t share wisdom with fools lest they belie you. Don’t withhold knowledge from students lest they view you as a sinner, and don’t place knowledge with other than its rightful possessors lest they declare you an ignoramus. There is a right over your knowledge just as there is a right over your wealth.
Kathir bin Murra, Sunan al-Darimi 1:88

Constant condemnation generates hatred.
Arab Parable,

- Imam Zaid Shakir

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Characteristics to be Avoided: Wantonness (Batar)

Wantonness (Batar)

A. Wantonness (Batar) is not properly bearing the responsibility of wealth, which means a severe shortcoming in terms of appreciating it, and seeing the blessing in it. Along with excessive mirth (unrestrained happiness) it leads to oppression.
Al-‘Izz bin ‘Abd al-Salaam

A.1. Four Sources of Wantonness

1. Wantonness of wealth.
2. Wantonness of power.
3. Wantonness of employment or position.
4. Wantonness of social status.

A.2. Texts From the Qur’an and the Sunnah Concerning Wantonness

And do not be like those who left their homes filled with excessive pride about their state (Bataran), showing off before people and preventing others from the way of Allah. And Allah encompasses all they do.
Qur’an 8:47

How many populations have we destroyed who did not adequately appreciate the [blessing] their lifestyle embodied. There are their dwellings, uninhabited after them, except infrequently. And we are the true heirs.
Qur’an 28:58

The Prophet, peace upon him, mentioned, “Allah does not look at one who drags his garment behind him ungratefully (Bataran).”
Bukhari, #5,788

The Prophet, peace upon him, said, “As for when it [a horse] becomes a source of sin, this is the case of one who takes it for merriment, unappreciatively (Bataran), arrogantly, to show off before people. This is when it becomes a source of sin for him.”
Bukhari, #2860

A.3. Sayings of the Scholars Concerning Wantonness

Satan has snares and traps. His traps are wantonness concerning Allah’s blessings; conceit with Allah’s gifts; arrogating oneself over the servants of Allah; and following whims in ways unsanctioned by Allah.
Al-Nu’man bin Bashir, al-Ihya’

- Imam Zaid Shakir

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Characteristics to be Avoided: Miserliness (Bukhl)

A. Miserliness (Bukhl) Bukhl is denying those in need an established right they have in one’s wealth, or earnings.

A.1. Texts From the Qur’an and the Sunnah

Let not those who are miserly with what Allah has bestowed upon them from His bounty think that it is good for them. Rather, it is bad for them. They will be made to wear what they withheld, owing to their miserliness, as a necklace [of fire] on the Day of Resurrection. And unto Allah is the inheritance of the heavens and earth. And Allah is well informed of all that you do.
Qur’an 3:180

Surely, Allah loves not those who are conceited, vainglorious; those who are miserly and encourage miserliness among people. They conceal what Allah has given them from His bounty. We have prepared for the rejecters of faith a humiliating punishment.

Qur’an 4:36-37

Among them are those who take an oath with Allah that if He gives them from His bounty they will spend charitably and be among the righteous. When He does give to them from His bounty, they behave miserly and turn away all the while rejecting [His favors upon them].
Qur’an 9:75-76

The Prophet, peace upon him, mentioned, “The most incapable of people are those who are incapable of supplication, and the most miserly of people are those who are miserly with their greeting.”
Du’a, #60

The Prophet, peace upon him, said, “The miser is one who finds me mentioned in his presence and does not prayer for me.”
Tirmidhi, #3546

The Prophet, peace upon him, mentioned, “When Allah created the Garden of Eden He created in it what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and when no heart has imagined. Then he said to it, ‘Speak!’ It said, ‘The believers will succeed [in attaining me].’ He said, ‘I swear by my might, a miser will not experience nearness to Me in you.’”
al-Kabir, 11,439

A.2. Sayings of the Scholars Concerning Miserliness

“Miserliness is the outer garment of wretchedness. Perhaps a generous person will enter Paradise on the basis of his/her generosity.”
Imam Ali,
al-Adab al-Shar’iyya

“We find in our wealth the same desires misers possess. However, we are patient [with Allah].” *Note: This means that pious people may love wealth. However, they love Allah more and do not compromise their religion to gain or to hold on to wealth.
Talha bin ‘Ubaydallh,

“Al-Ahnaf bin Qays saw a man clutching a silver coin. He asked, “Whose money is that?” The man replied, “Mine.” Ahnaf then said, “It does not belong to you until you spend it.”
Al-Ahnaf bin Qays,

“When Allah desires bad for a people He gives the vilest among them power over them, and he places their wealth in the hands of their misers.”
Muhammad bin al-Munkadir,

“Looking at a miser hardens the heart, and having to meet with misers brings worry upon the hearts of the believers.”
Bisr al-Hafi,

“I met with Ahmad bin Hanbal, Yahya bin Ma’in, and many other scholars. They were in complete agreement that they never knew of a righteous man who was a miser.”
Hubaysh bin Mubashshir,

“I heard a desert Arab describing a miser in the following words: ‘So-and-so has become small in my eyes because of the greatness of the world in his eyes. It is as if a beggar was looking at the Angel of Death if he approached him.’”
al-Adab al-Shar’iyya

“Cowardice and miserliness are partners. If no benefit is gained from a person’s physical presence that is cowardice; and if no benefit is gained from his wealth that is miserliness.”
Ibn Qayyim,
al-Jawab al-Kafi

- Imam Zaid Shakir

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Good Character: Etiquette, Shyness, Modesty, and Freedom

A.1. Etiquette/Courtesy (Adab) Adab involves good comportment, whether one is standing or sitting; maintaining good character, and manifesting praiseworthy traits. Its essence involves knowing all the things to be avoided in order not to commit errors in dealing with self and others.

A.2. Bashfulness or Modesty or Shame (Haya’) Haya’ is a constrained feeling caused by the fear of something that would impugn one’s character, or leaving that thing fearing that involvement with it would lead to one’s condemnation.

A.3. Humility (Tawadu’) Tawadu’ involves one’s consciously declining to assume a station desired by those seeking to exalt one.

A.4. Freedom (Hurriyya) Hurriyya is to cut off one’s deepest sentiments from being obsessed with anything in the creation in order to be preoccupied with the One (God) who owns all of creation.

A.5. Sayings of the Scholars: Freedom (Hurriyya)

“Verily, you will not arrive at pure freedom as long as you see any trace of your servitude to God emanating from yourself.”

“Whosoever desires to taste the flavor of real freedom and to relax from the burden of devotional acts, let him purify the depth of his heart so that it is a space shared by only him and God."
Bishr al-Hafi

“When the worshipper has internalized all of the stations of servitude he will be free from the fatigue involved in worship. He will then diligently undertake devotions with no second thoughts or burden.”
Al-Husayn bin Mansur

“The children of the world are served by handmaidens and servants. The children of the Hereafter are served by the liberated and the righteous.”
Yahya bin Mu’adh

A.6. Texts from the Qur’an and Sunnah: Modesty/Shyness (Haya’)

One of them came to him walking with utmost modesty. She said, “My father is summoning you in order to compensate you for the water you fetched for us…” (Qur’an 28:25)

Verily, that is something that offends the Prophet. However, he is [too] modest before you. Allah is not too modest expound the truth. (Qur’an 33:53)

The Prophet, peace upon him, mentioned, “By shy before Allah as is His full right.” We said, “O Messenger of Allah! We are shy before Him, and all praise is for Allah.” He said, “That is not what I mean. Rather, to be shy before Allah as is His full right is that you guard your head and everything associated with it [ears, eyes, etc.]; and that you guard your stomach and what it consumes; and you should remember death and the time you will be decomposed. One who desires the hereafter leaves off chasing the adornment of the world. Whosoever does all of this has been shy before Allah as is His full right.” Tirmidhi #2458

The Prophet, peace upon him was approached by a man who demanded, “O Messenger of Allah! Counsel me.” He said, peace upon him, “I counsel you to be shy before Allah, be He Mighty and Majestic, to the extent that you are shy before a man from the righteous elect of your people.”
Al-Shu’ab 2:462

The Prophet, peace upon him, said, “Every religion has a defining characteristic, and the defining characteristic of my religion is modesty.”
Ibn Majah #4181

The Prophet, peace upon him, mentioned, “Faith has seventy some odd branches, and modesty is a branch of faith.”
Bukhari #91

- Imam Zaid Shakir

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